Here is a helpful post about Medicare Enrollment Events, brought to you by our friend Debbie Deane:
In a recent survey from the Bankers Life & Casualty Center for a Secure Retirement (BLCCSR), 56% of baby boomers stated they have a poor understanding, or know almost nothing about Medicare! With the many frustrations of mailers, commercials, and phone calls prior to the enrollment period for Medicare, make sure you are in the know of your 2016 options for Medicare.
Below are important points & dates for Medicare enrollment.
Keep in mind,
Changes in two areas can impact your co-pays for 2016! Review your annual notice of changes with your current Prescription Drug Plan, making sure your prescriptions are still listed on your plan. If they are, be aware of the Tier they are assigned to and any changes in annual deductibles.
Read all documents you receive from your current insurance carrier! If you have questions, contact your agent. This allows you time to shop for a different plan, if needed. Without a proper review, you may find that you are enrolled in a plan that does not meet your medical and prescription needs for 2016.
Schedule an appointment! Do not assume that everything will be the same with your current plan. If you have a Medicare Supplement, Medicare Advantage, or Prescription Drug Plan, annual changes can occur in premiums, prescriptions, co-pays and deductibles, to name a few.
Important dates to remember,
October 1, 2015: Schedule and attend a free event in your area. You will learn more about the different types of coverage for 2016, how the coverage benefits you, and go into 2016 with the confidence that your medical needs will be met!
Beginning October 15, 2015 and ending December 7, 2015: Open Enrollment Period
During this period you can choose to try a Medicare Advantage Plan for the first time, make changes to your current Medicare Advantage Plan, or keep the plan you are currently enrolled in.
Beginning January 1, 2016 and ending February 14, 2016: Medicare Advantage Dis-enrollment
The time period you have to dis-enroll in a Medicare Advantage Plan and return to Original Medicare, if desired. Remember, you must be enrolled in a prescription drug plan so that you are not without prescription coverage and at risk for the Prescription Drug plan penalty.
Watch for more news of upcoming free informational events in your area or contact me letting me know of your interest! And thank you Union Colony Insurance, for allowing me to be a Medicare resource for your valued clients.
Debbie Deane
Medicare Supplement/Medicare Advantage Sales Representative
(970) 584-3973