The highway is not a football field. Defensive driving is the easiest way to avoid an accident on the road!
Defensive driving does not mean submissive driving, but rather proactively avoiding hazardous situations.
This week we have listed our top five good driving habits. Be sure to check back next week for habits to avoid!
Good Driving Habits
1. Follow at a safe difference
The rule of thumb is to keep at least 2 seconds worth of distance between you and the car in front. For more information on how to find those 2 seconds, see our blog here!
2. Maintain awareness and have a plan
Keep an eye out for other cars around you, listen for emergency vehicles and pay attention to the road ahead to note any potential hazards. If conditions are not safe for whatever reason, find an alternate route as soon as you safely can.
3. Act smart around other drivers
Do not assume other drivers are looking out for you. If someone is driving unsafe or erratic, chances are that driver is not paying attention and is not going to notice if you need to switch lanes or slowing down for a yellow light. Likewise, do not put other drivers in a tricky situation, like coasting in their blind spot. The past few years, we’ve all witnessed drivers swerving unnecessarily – the conclusion usually that person is talking on the phone or texting.
It is better to assume the worse instead of getting into an accident because you assume the other driver is looking out for you.
4. Watch your Speed
This should be a no brainer, but needs mentioning anyway. You maintain control of your vehicle by driving the safest speed for the condition of the road - that means slowing down if conditions worsen or accelerating as you enter a new lane. Common sense should prevail.
5. Care for your vehicle
Establish a regular routine of servicing your vehicle because maintaining your vehicle in good working condition is imperative to avoid incidences. Do not ignore maintenance warnings that pop up on your dash and keep your tires in good working condition.
What safe driving rules do you have? Let us know and check back next week for Part 2 – Bad Habits.